21 January 2013

Snowy Notting Hill & Portobello Market

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  1. beautiful pictures! Still so jealous of everyone who got to see some snow! :) x

    1. Thanks lovely, at least this time I didn't fall over it for once!

  2. I love all the colored buildings! The town looks so pretty! I'm living in Chicago- when we get snow, we get it up to the knees, if not higher. Your blog is great, I'll be back to check it out again and again :)

    Heather XX

    1. Chicago is pretty much my favourite US city, I have a lot of extended family there so I've heard all about the big 'snow ins'. Thanks for stopping by, going to check out your blog now x

  3. Snow looks lovelier there than in Wisconsin!

    (If you're interested, I'm giving away a Stella Valle necklace. Details here.)

    1. We only get a light smattering, do you guys get it quite heavy in Wisconsin?

  4. Notting hill is so beautiful, I've never seen it in the snow though, so these pictures are lovely.

    Hope you are well and not too cold! Take care love xx :)

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